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Dry Cell
Class Action

PATH is currently pursuing a class action to provide recourse to individuals who have spent any amount of time in a ‘dry cell’ in a federal institution on suspicion of carrying contraband in their vaginal cavity.


PATH has initiated a class action has been initiated against the Attorney General of Canada, alleging the unlawful use of dry cells on individuals with vaginas.


These individuals are confined to dry cells, exceeding customary standards and violating their fundamental rights. Such confinement may occur suddenly, leading to indefinite isolation and discomfort.


The class action asserts negligence and violation of rights protected under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and argues these practices are discriminatory and harmful.

Progress and Updates

On June 22, 2022, PATH filed a Notice of Action with the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia seeking to have the class action certified.

Next steps

A judge has to say it is okay for the case to proceed as a class action. The Court hearing asking the judge for permission to proceed as a class action is called a “Certification Application”. The Certification Application is set for the summer of 2024.


If you think you may be a part of this class action, you are not required to take any steps at this moment. However, you are welcome to complete this form to let us know of your interest: Potential Class Member Form.

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