After witnessing, over the span of their careers, the numerous, intertwined barriers to justice faced by vulnerable and marginalized populations throughout Atlantic Canada, Emma Halpern and Mike Dull co-founded PATH Legal in Fall of 2022.
Resulting from intersecting racism, colonialism, sexism, poverty, and other forms of oppression, certain individuals are unable to access legal advice, services, and representation that are integral to their access to justice. To support these individuals’ pathways to justice, healing, safety, and self-sufficiency, we strive to offer a wide variety of legal services to our clients in a way that is compassionate, thorough, inclusive, and accessible. If a matter falls within the mandate of PATH, we can assist with bail release plans, parole board support, police complaints, human right complaints, habeas corpus applications, judicial review applications, restorative justice initiatives, correctional disciplinary hearings, civil claims, and more. In select circumstances, PATH will offer to collaborate with and support community partners and lawyers with client matters.
In addition to services offered to clients, PATH holds a prominent presence in the legal community. You will often see Emma, Mike, and other staff speaking at community events, doing media appearances, and mentoring law students and young lawyers.

Provide access to justice to vulnerable and under-represented communities.
Access to Justice
Leverage the law to advance the rights of individuals and generate social change.
Social Change
Engage and inspire the legal community to adopt a social justice ethic.
Social Justice Ethic
Legal Education
Educate law students in social justice and prison law.